He's Acquitted, The January Exception Is Hereby Enacted.


       The United States Senate voted to acquit failed former President-reject Donald J. Trump:

Guilty: 57
Not Guilty: 43 ✅
Needed to convict: 67

    The Constitution requires that 2/3 thirds of the Senate vote to convict for that verdict to take place. Andrew Johnson was acquitted in three 35-19 votes (he was impeached on 11 articles), and William Jefferson Clinton was acquitted in one 45-55 & 50-50 vote. Donald John Trump was acquitted in a 48-52 & 47-53 vote, respectively, in his first impeachment trial. Today, he was acquitted in a 57-43 vote. It's the first time since 1868 that a majority of Senators -not half or a minority- voted to convict. The Senate heard a solid case from the House impeachment managers, and every argument against convicting did not have any legal basis, or any reason based off of precedent, for that argument, click here.

    The only Senate Republicans who put party over Country voted to convict were:

  1. Mitt Romney (Utah)
  2. Richard Burr (North Carolina)
  3. Bill Cassidy (Louisiana)
  4. Susan Collins (Maine)
  5. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska
  6. Ben Sasse (Nebraska)
  7. Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania)

    All Democrats, and two independents joined those seven to convict. The remaining forty three Republicans voted to support Trump and his terrorist allies acquit. The precedent is that a public offical can escape conviction and disqualification by resigning, or allowing their term to expire before the trial (the January Exception). The Senate Republican Conference has voted to support the insurrectionists who attempt to support the attempted auto-coup of Donald John Trump. That will be their legacy. 

    The case against Donald J. Trump was open and shut. Not a single person has been able to argue that his actions did not lead to the attack on the Capitol, nor could they ultimately defend his fake election fraud claims. The President-reject ulimately threatened enough Republican Senators with primary challengers if they did the right thing. Ultimately, the Senate issued a ruling with this acquittal:

  1. The Senate is powerless to hold officials accountable, and that the House can't impeach because reasons.
  2. If the offense occurs in January, Presidents can wait for their term to expire. If it happens before or after January, a resignation will cut it.
  3. The Senate was okay with what happened, and the acquittal is a full throated endorsement of the attack on the Capitol.
  4. Donald Trump is above the law, and so is all public officals this day forward.
  5. Trump supporters are able to threaten members of Congress, and the Congress will allow it.

        Trump supporters are an abominable group. They aren't worth listening to. They have proven that they are fine with political violence, as 40% of Republicans were happy with what happened. The President-reject said that those who "broke the law will pay", I hope he pays with a steep penalty. The saddest fact is that not only was the grip of the President-reject on the GOP too strong to convict, it showed that our Democratic-Republic continues to sink to a deathspiral, where public officials will kowtow to the President, in order to get re-elected. 

    The rules get abused for partisan gain, and the public trust continues to decline. This was all preventable. I can only hope that if justice prevails, state and federal prosecutors go after Donald John Trump relentlessly. After all, he's begging for it, since he kept attempting to steal the 2020 election. Ultimately, we'll see what happens. Ciao.

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