Cancel Culture: Another Useless Culture War; Designed To Give The Privileged A Sense of Purpose.

Republican politicans pay more attention to drama Twitter than they do to focusing on the jobs they occupy. I wonder why?

    What is cancel culture? Well,  it is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to have been "cancelled". The expression "cancel culture" has mostly negative connotations and is commonly used in debates on free speech and censorship. And this subject has gotten an increasing amount of attention during the 2020 Presidential election, and during the second impeachment trial (I strongly disagree with the link) of former President Donald J. Trump.

    For example, let's imagine that someone you know is caught using racial slurs against someone, and you decide to cut them out of your life, possibly forever. They would be "canceled". Here's the deal: Boycotting something, or cutting someone out of a social circle doesn't violate their freedom of speech, because they can still say what they want, it's just people have refused to listen to them. Another example: Imagine someone you know takes a strong (uncompromising) stance on an issue that matters to you, like abortion, healthcare, etc, and that person loses some friends, or they lose a customer base (if they own a company), that's not censorship, when people choose not to listen. And a few other things I must note about this subject:

  1. While some leftists might engage in CaNcEl CuLtUrE, plenty on the right do, too. I.e, Colin Kapernick, the NFL, etc.
  2. The people being CaNcElLeD have not lost their jobs, lives, or anything of any value.
  3. Imagine how easy your life is when this is the biggest thing going on in it.
  4. Mr. Potatohead was not canceled, you can still call a piece of plastic by masculine pronouns (again, you have an easy life if this upsets you).
  5. Dr. Seuss' foundation unpublished six books on their own accord. That's not CaNcEl CuLtUrE gOiNg ToO fAr, that's a foundation doing something on their own accord. Imagine getting upset that a publisher decides to unpublish something that depicts human beings in a racist way. Sad!
  6. Also just imagine getting upset that people use their FrEe SpeEcH to criticize something you have said, using your free speech. And if you think you haven't done anything wrong, then be prepared to stand up for yourself, not crying victim to something that's pretty much not real.
  7. I've been CaNcElLed (by these people's logic), for harshly criticizing police misconduct, the "blue lives matter" 'movement', by those who I once considered friends. I've made significant strides since. You can, too.

    The American people have engaged in CaNcEl CuLtUre quite a bit. A poll of American registered voters conducted by Morning Consult in July 2020 showed that cancel culture, defined as "the practice of withdrawing support for (or canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive," was common: 40% of respondents said they had withdrawn support from public figures and companies, including on social media, because they had done or said something considered objectionable or offensive, 8% having engaged in this often. Behavior differed according to age, with a majority (55%) of voters 18 to 34 years old saying they have taken part in cancel culture, while only about a third (32%) of voters over 65 said they had joined a social media pile-on. Attitude towards the practice was mixed, with 44% of respondents saying they disapproved of cancel culture, 32% who approved, and 24% who did not know or had no opinion. Furthermore, 46% believed cancel culture had gone too far, with only 10% thinking it had not gone far enough. However, a majority (53%) believed that people should expect social consequences for expressing unpopular opinions in public, especially those that may be construed as deeply offensive to other people.

    While a robust plurality of voters aren't fans of cancel culture, a majority aren't professional victims about it. While terrorist sympathizers Congressional Republicans claimed disqualifying an impeached former President was CaNcEl CuLtUrE, but had no problem advocating boycotts when they saw fit. Now, for non-Republicans who advocate boycotts when they see fit, but say "cancel culture has gone too far", tell me when your birthday is, so I can send you a mirror. Ciao.

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