It Can No Longer Be Denied; Donald Trump Is A Racist. Here's The Top Six Examples.

Twitter shows Trump's name when users search the word "racist ...

    This fits the President of the United States like a glove around his tiny hands.

    Over the last five years, we have had to endure the lies, hypocrisy, and inconsistency of Donald J. Trump, as a Presidential candidate, President-elect, and President of the United States. One of the most common complaints lodged at President Trump are what I have mentioned above, as well as his racism. Here's some notable examples of Donald Trump's racist behavior, which contradicts the blatant lie common argument his NPC supporters say:

    "Nobody accused Trump of racism until he ran for Preisdent."

    An SNL skit (published 09-23-2013) portraying former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney (R-MA) sulking about losing the election to incumbent President Barack Obama (D-IL). A notable line from the skit (3:08) when both of Governor Romney's sons (both played by Taran Killam, since let's be honest -they both look the same anyway-) visit him, and Josh Romney says:

    "Donald Trump is doing a very amusing thing where he's racist."

     So when you see people claiming that he was only accused of racism after he declared himself a candidate for POTUS: They lied.

    His actions (before, during, and after) his Presidency (hopefully 01/20/2021 is the end of his Administration), can easily be described as racist.

    #1: The Central Park jogger case, (where five teenagers indicted for rape and near fatal beating of a jogger and other charges; another was given a plea deal and pleaded guilty to assault; four other teenagers were indicted for assault and other charges related to attacks on other persons that night in the park), on May 1, 1989, Donald Trump (aged 42), then a real estate magnate, called for the return of the death penalty in full-page advertisements published in all four of the city's major newspapers. Trump said he wanted the "criminals of every age" who were accused of beating and raping a jogger in Central Park 12 days earlier "to be afraid". The advertisement, which cost an estimated US$85,000 (equivalent to $175,000 in 2019), said, in part:

    According to defendant Yusef Salaam, quoted in a February 2016 article in The Guardian, Trump "was the fire starter" in 1989, as "common citizens were being manipulated and swayed into believing that we were guilty." Salaam said his family received death threats after papers ran Trump's full-page ad urging the death penalty." The young men who were charged with the crime were eventually exonerated, but Donald Trump never apologized. He never retracted anything he said. He never took back implicitly calling for the execution of those boys. He never did anything to admit that he was wrong. 

    As the article (from The Guardian) mentioned, race relations in N.Y.C were strained at the time (as they always have been). And since minorities have often times been a scapegoat for racist fearmongering and are slandered with out of context crime statistics, Donald Trump absolutely was responsible for deepening the already existing racial divide. Donald Trump went on to run for President in 2016, where he mentioned "law and order", which was appealing to many, who simply wanted peace, and stability, in an era of ISIS and ebola. He lied about crime going up, when the evidence (his kryptonite) showed otherwise. It's worth pointing out that the "law and order" crowd are calling for increasingly militarizing the police, using harsher tactics against suspects, among other things. Speaking of calling for using harsher tactics, President Trump explicitly endorsed police brutality when he mentioned how police should avoid placing their palm on a suspect's head so they don't hit their head when they are placed in a police vehicle. In other words, murderer Derek Chauvin did was President Trump asked: "Don't be too nice."

    #2: Calling for "law and order". On paper, it sounds nice, right? Peace & quiet, no riots, no chaos, just a return to the rule of law. Except, when you open a history book take a closer look, it's clear that a lot of these advocates of "law and order" often push policies that have been used against minorities (as well as others, I mentioned that so the AlL lIvEs MaTtEr crowd can put a sock in it), such as stop and frisk, pushing for more police to patrol minority neighborhoods (despite the facts that black people do not commit more crime than whites, but don't tell that to Trump supporters), among other policies that on paper apply to everyone, but have not been applied (in practice) to everyone. Having a more aggressive police force has only led to increased cases of police brutality, racial profiling, prison overcrowding, and miscarriages of justice

    He said he was the "law and order" candidate, and would be a "law and order" President. If late May and all of June of proven anything, it's that he lied. It's been anything but "law and order" for an Administration that has nothing but contempt for the rule of law.

    #3: Claiming the first black President of the United States, Barack Obama, was not a natural born citizen of the United States. I have said this as a blanket statement, and I will until I die: everyone who believed it or wanted to believe it was a racist ('was' implies that they may no longer believe it). Nobody cared when Senator Barry Goldwater ran for President in 1964, despite being born in the Arizona Territory to U.S citizens, just before Arizona became a state. No one cared when then- Michigan Governor George W. Romney ran for President despite being born in Mexico to U.S citizens. No one cared when Senator John McCain (twice) ran for President despite being born in Panama to U.S citizens, and nobody truly cared (except for the racist birthers trying to not look hypocritical, which didn't work) when Senator Ted "Leave Heidi The Hell Alone!" Cruz ran for President despite being born in Canada to a U.S Citizen.

    It is undeniable that there are racial double standards when it comes to a President's birth certificate and the demands for the release of the birth certificates are only when it fits a racist, xenophobic base that Donald Trump wanted to build. To prevent any strawmen, no, the American people are not racist, but there are some who are. Not all Trump supporters are racist, but all Trump supporters have decided that racism is not a deal breaker. That's something that should not surprise anyone.

    And in summary, when Trump had said that President Obama wasn't born in the United States, it was a racist lie.

    "They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume are good people." -Donald Trump, announcing his campaign for President. Here's a fact check about his claims about immigrants and crime.

    For the record, Mexicans are not a race, but an ethicity and a nationality, but don't expect most some of Trump's baglappers supporters to have that level of nuance. Here's a clip of the full context of Trump's remarks.

    There is no way -in or out of context- that what he said could have been worded better and still imply what he said. When it comes to crime, and illegal immigrants, Trump's incredibly xenophobic lies rhetoric isn't backed up with evidence.

    As to how anyone could defend the President on this is something I will never be able to understand. President Trump had a completely racist tempter tantrum Twitter rant (shocking to belive, right?), and said:

    Yeah, that happened. And here's the winner for the prize of "Paranoid Racist of 2019" award:

    Here's a fact that Trump and his sheep supporters either don't know of -or care about- three of the four House members that Trump bashed were born in the United States. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y-14) was born in New York, Ilhan Omar (D-MN-5) was born in Somalia, Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) was born in Michigan, and Ayanna Pressley (D-MA-7) was born in Ohio. The President would not have said those things to white members of Congress who weren't born in the United States. And considering that three out of the four members he attacked on Twitter are natural citizens of this country, despite the fact that Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, and Tlaib are already in the country their from, it plays off of the old racist/xenophobic assumption that some non whites are clearly not from America, and even if all four of them were not born in America, their proposals for the United States are not invalidated, and they don't have to go anywhere. For the record, I disagree with quite a bit of the "Squad" in terms of their proposals, but the President's attacks on them for his assumption that they were foriegn born is something that I can't tolerate. 

    And in the end on this, what makes this especially troubling, is that POTUS held a rally where his fellow racists supporters chanted "SEND HER BACK! SEND HER BACK!" Don't believe me? Just watch.

    The chant picks up at 1:22. The President of the United States spends the rest of the clip (thirteen seconds) in silence, which is no more than a tacit endorsement of their racist mentality. If a white member of Congress was in the same controversy as Congresswoman Omar, they would have never chanted "send her back".

    When the President was called out for his endorsement of the chant, he lied and said that he stopped the chant by "speaking very quickly", despite the video evidence showing the very opposite, as he took 13+ seconds to start speaking. For the record, I have a high standard for what is racism/racist, and Donald Trump has repeatedly met the standard.

    My definition of racism:

-The belief of racial superiority
-Racial prejudice
-Fear of an individual based on race

    The definition of racism has evolved since words will have their definitions change over time, and thus, older definitions will not be applicable.

(I'd link the tweet, but it has been deleted).

    At this point, I draw a line in the sand. As to how anyone can defend the President and his irrefutably racist statements, is not only beyond me, it's a dealbreaker. You can support Donald Trump until your dying breath, but you won't be able to count me as your friend. I am friends with plenty of those who support candidates I oppose, and those whose views do not align with my own. The key difference is what those policies are, and who the candidate is.

    Considering the fact that Donald Trump has retweeted openly racist individuals is also more than enough consideration that he might be a complete racist (sarcasm). He's called protesters "terrorists", and has issued an executive order for the Justice Department to prioritize the prosecution of protesters who damage public monuments, and emphasized punishments of up to 10 years, which violates the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution (a document the President has never read), which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. The President is more concerned about statues --which should not be on pedestals, but rather museums-- than police brutality, other than his lip service statement condemning the murder of George Floyd. He was more sympathetic to armed protesters in Michigan who stormed the state capital protesting their Governor's abuse of power (I'll explain in another piece why I say that) actions regarding the stay at home order, yet when people protest over the fact that once again, police officers who are pretty much above the law kill someone unjustifiably, that's when he gets upset. The priorities here are insane.

    If you aren't convinced that Trump is a racist by the end of this, I cannot help you. In the end, you are a racist yourself, since if this happened to white people, you'd likely have a problem with it at that point. The racial double standards, racist/xenophobic lies, among other things, is more than enough proof that Donald Trump is the definition of racism. If the evidence cannot convince you, then have fun with your head firmly planted in the sand.

    And before I go, I'll refute the boomer nonsense argument that a number of really stupid Trump supporters make:

Was Donald Trump Never Accused of Racism Before Running Against ...

    21 facts that PROVE Donald Trump is NOT racist – Infinite Coincidence

CNN on Twitter: "NAACP president on Trump: "We know he's a racist ...

    Yeah, there are a number of really stupid people who actually believe such absolute filth this. Here's my rebuttal:

    President (1945-1953) Harry S. Truman (D-MO) did desegregate the military and was the first POTUS to truly push for civil rights in modern times, but it is not hard to find some rather racist and anti-semitic quotes from him.

    President (1963-1969) Lyndon B. Johnson (D-TX) did enact a plethora of civil rights legislation (including the 24th amendment), but often times used racial slurs against black people, and said of appointing a black judge:

    "When I appoint a n****r to the bench, I want everyone to know he's a n****r."

    There is often a claim that LBJ had said: "I'll have those n****rs voting Democratic for 200 years." The fact checkers have ruled this as "unproven".

    The point is, Presidents Truman & Johnson may have done some good things while holding the title of POTUS, but that doesn't excuse, diminish, or hide the fact that they held some racist views. So in the end, the same here applies. Any "good things" Donald Trump has done cannot override the evidence of his racism and racist behavior. Do with this what you will, but you cannot refute the evidence, whether by actually responding, or chalking it up to "fake news." Chao.

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