The Case For Scrapping All Gun Control Laws.

    This will get me accused of extremism, but that's laughable, not an argument, and conceding the debate.

    Let me make my stance on this clear: No. More. Gun. Laws. None. I wrote a piece back in January showing an extremely limited compromise (which I fully repudiate) that still leaned heavily in my direction. No matter how much the gun control advocates politicize tragedies, no matter how many times emotions, vitriol, and other tactics are used, the only thing that should happen to anti gun legislation is an executive veto, or a legislative rejection. 

    Lesson #1: Never give any concessions to gun control advocates. They will never stop demanding more.

"How Many Will It Take?"

    People argue that we don't do enough to combat gun violence... despite having hundreds of laws on the local, state, and federal level, some how, we haven't done enough. Quality matters, not quantity. And before anyone says "let's fortify our laws"... no. I'll explain why further on.

This Is Not A Valid Argument.

    Just so we are clear, I cannot (for the life of me) take seriously this talking point. A gun is a gun. And by the way, this is not a valid argument to ban "AR-15's" or "assault weapons".
  1. "Assault weapon" is a useless term, with no clear, consistent definition. I reject taking seriously any argument that uses the term, but I will rebut it, for the sake of doing so.
  2. No one -no one- has to justify why they want an AR-15. When I hear "WhY dO yOu NeEd An Ar-15?!" I reply, "it's the bill of rights, not the bill of needs."
  3. "The founders didn't intend for citizens to get their hands on these guns." Well, the framers didn't intend for us to directly elect our Senators, ban slavery, give women the right to vote, give the District of Coumbia voting power, reform the electoral college, among other things. I don't care what they had to say. And keep in mind... "shall not be infringed". And if you think it's just for militias, people can create their own militias.
  4. Just because a current/former law enforcement official or military member supports gun control, that doesn't mean anything. The opinion carries no more weight than yours, and you're guilty of the appeal to authority fallacy.
    Yes, I Mean *All* Gun Laws.

    Last I checked, a criminal does not care if a certain weapon is illegal, they will use it anyway. Black markets benefit from gun control, the same way drug cartels benefit the drug war, and the bootleggers benefitted from the Prohibition era. If a criminal wants to commit crimes, they will use whatever means they have at their disposal, words on paper be damned. The gun control legislation that progressives and others favor does nothing to stop mass shootings. Colorado already has universal background checks, which did not prevent the recent shooting and banning the entire population from owning a weapon due to bad actions of a few, is heavy handed, and if laws aren't enforceable, then repealing them is the only logical thing to do. 

    The anti-Second Amendment ordinance that was blocked in Boulder, Colorado was found to be in violation of state law, and the perpetrator lived outside of the City, so circumventing this law was not going to be that hard, at all. The arrest warrant shows that the perpetrator bought a pistol on March 16, but it's unclear where he bought it, so he could have bought it from anywhere (before you argue that the law should be nationalized, I can guarantee you that it will fail because enough people will never comply with the law that it will be as enforceable as telling a bully that they make you feel bad). Let's not forget that you can use handguns for mass shootings, or other weapons that don't qualify as "assault weapons".

Also, The *Can't Stress This Enough* Hypocrisy.

    When people says "disarm the police", yet also say "only the military and police should have these weapons of war", I cannot help but laugh. Which is it? It cannot be both. Abusive government officials must be pushed back through whatever means necessary. It is harder to oppress armed people, and let's not forget, people will say "President (insert name here) isn't going to take away your guns", despite attempts to reenact the Assault Weapons Ban (AWB), and the attempts to make it harder to get a gun, that is a lie to claim otherwise.

    Let's not forget that while the U.K (a place that has little -if any- understanding of self protection) has anti gun policies in place, they do not prevent criminals from breaking the law using other means, yet gun control activists aren't knife control advocates either. I wonder why?

"But Something Has To Be Done!!!"

    Yes, something can be done. It's called "not allowing innocent people to be sitting ducks". Bullet proof glass, allowing teachers the option to arm themselves if they so choose, and not giving blackmarkets what they want, influence. That is what can be done.

    When I mean I stand in favor of the Second Amendment, I give no exceptions. None. If you want to own an AR-15, you don't have to defend that, just as how people claim that they have the right to do something, without having to justify it. And the idea that we can regulate ourselves into a bubble where nothing bad ever happens is a childish fantasy, and politicians who have that mentality deserve nothing more than to be voted out, and their ideology kept as far removed from actual power as possible.

How Would We Scrap All Gun Control Laws?

    Simple, the Supreme Court. A group of pro-Second Amendment lawyers would argue that the right to bear arms has no exceptions, and that there is no evidence the framers intended for a militia to be a requirement, and encourage the Supreme Court to overturn every last gun control law in one fell swoop. They have overturned (rightfully) gay marriage bans, (rightfully) anti-interracial marraige laws, etc. It's not unprecedented.

Why Are You So Stubbornly Opposed To Gun Control?

    It's about control, they don't care about violence prevention, or we would have conversations that might make us uncomfortable (such ways to protect ourselves), not regulating guns out of existence. And as someone who prefers to keep the state as lean as possible, I do not trust them whatsoever in controlling any more than they already do. And before you mention other countries that have extremely tight gun control laws, keep in mind that they still have a black market problem.

    And by the way, when it comes to "buyback programs", and all gun control laws... do not comply, ever. Ciao.

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