Is It "All Men"?

 JSYK, the percentage of people experencing sexual harassment/assault should be 0. No shit.

        If you find yourself using this, you have no right to complain when people correctly say "not all men".

    During my early days of debating people, the hot button issues of the day were feminism, "social justice", and the opinions of various people and sexual assault, and the phrase "all men". Five years later, some of my opinions have evolved, and some of become more entrenched, and my opposition to the phrase "all men", is one that has become even more entrenched.

    (Side note): slogans like this are among the many reasons I hate TikTok, all that ever comes from TikTok are asubstance videos that usually lack evidence, context, it really is just a platform that's better for boring lip-syncing videos.

    Anyway, the statement "all men" has never been -and will never be-- valid. It doesn't matter how loud it is shouted, it doesn't matter how passionately someone believes in it. What matters is if it is based in fact, which of course this phrase is not. Before I continue, let me say this:

    I'm not trying to invalidate how people feel, but when arguments are made that don't have hard evidence behind, it is only fair to criticize it. And, I want no one to experience any assault or harassment. Nobody deserves that. Saying "all men" doesn't prevent these things from happening, all it does is polarize everyone, and it doesn't make the conversations necessary, it's just an excuse for people to get their misandry out of their system.


    "Men who don't hurt people should know that this doesn't apply to them", then the phrase "all men" doesn't work, because:

    So say what you mean, and mean what you say, or stop talking.

    When someone claims that 97% of women have been sexually assaulted, just know that just like the claim that one in five women are sexually assaulted on college campuses: there's no actual evidence for that, and applying the survey of a single country and saying that's how things are across the world is extremely misleading. I'll say this again and again: no one should face any harassment, abuse, or assault. I'll say that until my dying breath. And I'm glad people are coming out of the shadows to get some help, or to seeking justice (in the court of law -not public opinion), but the 97% claim is factually wrong, the survey question 

Another Thing.

    People say that it doesn't help women to say "not all men", but it ignores that using a misandrist slogan doesn't help convince anyone to help anyone. Slogans like these make any inroads you are trying to make go up in smoke. 

What About ACAB?

    False equivalency, and you know it. Cops -unlike men- took an oath to enforce all laws, even if it means using violence on peaceful people to do so. Men did not enter the world taking any oath, although they can if they choose. The people who make this comparison know it's false, but do not want to admit this.

Well, How Are Women Supposed To Stay Safe?

    I give women, as well as men the advice of being armed to the teeth (this is consistent with my absolute opposition to gun control, and yes, you can't care about women and support gun control, that's like saying 'black lives matter' and voting for Joe Biden). If someone is being attacked, and they have a knife, gun, or other weapon on them, they have a fighting chance against anyone who attacks them. And when people say:

    "It's rational for women to fear men, because they don't know what the intentions of those men are", is an excuse white supremacists could use to justify stereotyping non-whites by saying that they don't know what their "intentions are". No one would buy that excuse, nor should they buy this one.

Can You At Least Understand Where They Are Coming From?

    Yes, I can. I'm not defending all men on the post, but a blanket generalization is ususally wrong. Personally, I get nervous when the police are nearby. No, I'm not doing anything wrong, but I don't trust that they will act in good faith. And unlike men at large, they have governmental power behind them (I will argue over how the judiciary throws fathers under the bus if I need to).

    I don't trust people that walk in the same direction as me for more than half a block. I don't trust those that regularly make eye contact with me for extended periods of time and say nothing. But I don't assume that all of them are out to get me. In the case of someone possibly following me, I have a knife on me 24/7.


    Armed or not, you are never ever to blame if you are the victim of a crime. The blame is 100% on the attacker. If you assume I'm implying otherwise, you're a dumb son of a bitch.

In Conclusion:

    Dealing with crimes against women is important, things like making sure that things like a lengthy conversation about consent, and making it clear that doing anything without someone's consent is not okay, and that there will be no tolerance for it. Clearing out DNA kit backlogs help survivors get justice faster, making sure that the punishment for sex crimes is not just six months, but at least twenty five to life, and making it easier for survivors to come forward is a better deterrent to sex crimes, not dabbling in misandry. Once again, I'm not trying to repudiate survivors, or how they feel, but the slogan is wrong, factually, and isn't an olive branch, but a blow torch. Ciao.

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